I've looked at several examples and done google searches, and all I see the datapager doing is paging a certain number of items via the PageSize="X" property.
I would like it to page by category, is this possible?
An Example Data structure I would like to do this with would look like this.
Now instead of just paging by some arbitrary number of elements, I would like it to page by CategoryID.
So the first page would be all records with CategoryID=1, and when I hit the next button on the pager, it would show all items with CategoryID=2 or whatever is next.
Is this possible? How do I go about doing this?
Any resources or pointers would be fantastic,
The DataPager works with the interface IPagedCollectionView. You could create your own implementation and give it this behavior. I'm not sure how well it would work, but that is where I would start.