I've been trying to solve this, and have been getting stuck, so I thought I'd ask.
Imagine two ActionBeans, A and B.
has this section in it:
<jsp:include page="/B.action">
<jsp:param name="ponies" value="on"/>
<jsp:include page="/B.action">
<jsp:param name="ponies" value="off"/>
Take it as read that the B ActionBean does some terribly interesting stuff depending on whether the "ponies" parameter is set to either on or off.
The parameter string "ponies=on" is visible when you debug into the request, but it's not what's getting bound into the B ActionBean. Instead what's getting bound are the parameters to the original A.action.
Is there some way of getting the behaviour I want, or have I missed something fundamental?
The reason that this wasn't working was because of massaging done by our implementation of HttpServletRequest
It works fine with the "normal" implementation.