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Howto specify own robots.txt rules for LWP::RobotUA

I wrote a script to check my own websites with LWP::RobotUA. I would like to avoid the frequent requests for my robots.txt.

The rules parameter for LWP::RobotUA should allow me to specify those, but I don't qiute understand what should be passed for "allow all pages".

my $ua = LWP::RobotUA->new(agent=>'my-robot/0.1', from=>'', rules=> ??? );


  • After more research, I think the intended way to supply robots rules is by subclassing WWW::RobotRules.

        package WWW::NoRules;
        use vars qw(@ISA);
        use WWW::RobotRules;
        @ISA = qw(WWW::RobotRules::InCore);
        sub allowed {
            return 1;
    my $ua = LWP::RobotUA->new(agent=>'my-robot/0.1', from=>'', rules=>WWW::NoRules->new);