If got a dataset returned from SSAS where some records may be infinity or -infinity (calculated in SSAS not in the report).
I want to calculate the average of this column but ignore those records that are positive or negative infinity.
My thought is to create a calculated field that would logically do this:
= IIF(IsInfinity(Fields!ASP.Value) or IsNegativeInfinity(Fields!ASP.Value), 0 Fields!ASP.Value)
What I can't figure out is how to do the IsInfinity
or IsNegativeInfinity
Or conversely is there a way to calculate Average for a column ignoring those records?
Just stumbled across this problem and found a simple solution for determining whether a numeric field is infinity.
=iif((Fields!Amount.Value+1).Equals(Fields!Amount.Value), false,true)