This question is not a duplicate of Get data file from microphone in windows phone 7 or any other referenced in it.
In Windows Phone, I record the microphone data in a following manner:
I subscribe to Microphone.BufferReady and set a buffer duration. Then, I start the microphone.
// Event handler for getting audio data when the buffer is full
_microphone.BufferReady += MicrophoneBufferReady;
// Get audio data in 1/2 second chunks
_microphone.BufferDuration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100);
Then, each time I get a chunk of audio data from a mic, I record it to a data stream.
// Retrieve audio data
_stream.Write(_buffer, 0, _buffer.Length);
Whenever the recording is over, the data stream is saved to an Isolated Storage as a file.
var soundFileName = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".wav";
using (var isStore = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
using (var isfStream = new IsolatedStorageFileStream(soundFileName, FileMode.Create, isStore))
isfStream.Write(data.ToArray(), 0, data.ToArray().Length);
Where data
is a MemoryStream
holding all the microphone buffers, that were collected during the recording.
The problem is, that the file actually saved isn't a wav file. If I copy it to a desktop using an ISETool, I can't play the sound.
How do I save the microphone recording to a file, so that it is saved in a .wav format?
P.S. I can play it on the device just fine if I read the data from IS and pack it into a SoundEffect instance.
_soundInstance = new SoundEffect(_data, Microphone.Default.SampleRate, AudioChannels.Mono).CreateInstance();
The format of the buffer is raw PCM. Adding the WAV header to the start of the file is al that is required. However the file is uncompressed and a better solution would be to zip the file on the device(to reduce its size) and send in to a web service for conversion to a compressed WAV format