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Delphi + Synapse: How to check the size of the response with TTCPBlockSocket

I have finally got my Delphi application to send data using direct sockets with the Synapse library through HTTPS.

However, I am having trouble determining the size of the data being returned to me.

Currently, I have the following code:

Socket     := TTCPBlockSocket.Create;
status     := TStringList.Create;  

status.Append('LineBuffer length: ' + IntToStr(Length(Socket.LineBuffer)));
status.Append('Waiting bytes: ' + IntToStr(Socket.WaitingDataEx));
status.Append('recvBufferStr: ' + CRLF + Socket.RecvBufferStr(240, 25000) );
status.Append('LastError = ' + Socket.LastErrorDesc);
status.Append('Error code: ' + IntToStr(Socket.LastError));

and I get the following in Memo1:

socket lastError = 0
LineBuffer length: 0
Waiting bytes: 0
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2011 01:06:07 GMT
Server: Apache
Content-Length: 237
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

[***The returned Data***]

If Socket.RecvBufferStr's first parameter (length to receive) is too large, I get winsock error 10054 because i'm still waiting for data even though the server is done sending it.

If it is too short, which it almost always is, then I only get the specified amount of data.

Waiting bytes and linebuffer length show 0 (not sure if that's because they're longInt's and I'm doing IntToStr) so I don't think that's how I check the amount of data. And I have also tried using CanRead and CanReadEx to no avail.

I would like to do something like the following: Socket.RecvBufferStr([length to receive], [until all data is received] or 25000).

If there is another function, that is fine, but I would like to stick with TTCPBlockSocket as HTTPSend and others that I have tried from synapse do not work for my purposes.

How do I check - using the TTCPBlockSocket socket from the Synapse library with Delphi/Pascal - how much data the server is returning to me?


  • Try the following code. It shows how to get the Content-Length from the response header and read the content itself.

    Note, that the HTTP protocol is far not that easy, but if you are going to communicate with your own server or with the server where you know how it works, you might take this as an inspiration. And don't forget to include the OpenSSL binaries (version 0.9.8 is surely compatible with Synapse) when using this code.

      blcksock, ssl_openssl;
    function HTTPGetText(const Host: string): AnsiString;
      ContentLength: Integer;
      HTTPHeader: AnsiString;      
      TCPSocket: TTCPBlockSocket;
      Result := '';
      TCPSocket := TTCPBlockSocket.Create;
        // initialize TTCPBlockSocket
        TCPSocket.ConvertLineEnd := True;
        TCPSocket.SizeRecvBuffer := c64k;
        TCPSocket.SizeSendBuffer := c64k;
        // connect to the host, port 443 is default for HTTP over SSL
        TCPSocket.Connect(Host, '443');
        // check for socket errors
        if TCPSocket.LastError <> 0 then
        // server name identification
        TCPSocket.SSL.SNIHost := Host;
        // initialize and connect over OpenSSL
        // server name identification
        TCPSocket.SSL.SNIHost := '';
        // check for socket errors
        if TCPSocket.LastError <> 0 then
        // build the HTTP request header
        HTTPHeader :=
          'GET / HTTP/1.0' + CRLF +
          'Host: ' + Host + ':443' + CRLF +
          'Keep-Alive: 300' + CRLF +
          'Connection: keep-alive' + CRLF +
          'User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0' + CRLF + CRLF;
        // send the HTTP request
        // check for socket errors
        if TCPSocket.LastError <> 0 then
        // read the response status, here some servers might give you the content
        // note, that we are waiting in a loop until the timeout or another error
        // occurs; if we get some terminated line, we break the loop and continue
        // to check if that line is the HTTP status code
          HTTPHeader := TCPSocket.RecvString(5000);
          if HTTPHeader <> '' then
          TCPSocket.LastError <> 0;
        // if the line we've received is the status code, like 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK'
        // we will set the default value for content length to be read
        if Pos('HTTP/', HTTPHeader) = 1 then
          ContentLength := -1;
          // read the response header lines and if we find the 'Content-Length' we
          // will store it for further content reading; note, that again, we are
          // waiting in a loop until the timeout or another error occurs; if the
          // empty string is received, it means we've read the whole response header
            HTTPHeader := TCPSocket.RecvString(5000);
            if Pos('Content-Length:', HTTPHeader) = 1 then
              ContentLength := StrToIntDef(Trim(Copy(HTTPHeader, 16, MaxInt)), -1);
            if HTTPHeader = '' then
            TCPSocket.LastError <> 0;
          // and now let's get the content, we know it's size, so we just call the
          // mentioned RecvBufferStr function
          if ContentLength <> -1 then
            Result := TCPSocket.RecvBufferStr(ContentLength, 5000);
    procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject);
      Memo1.Text := HTTPGetText('');