Q1) Assuming Http module is registered with IIS7 to be used for non-Asp.Net application ( say some Java app ) , when in the request’s life cycle will IIS7 invoke this module? Thus, how will IIS7 decide when to invoke it?
Q2) In order to register Http module with IIS7, we need to put it in GAC. Is it possible to register Http module or Http handler without putting it in GAC?
A1. Assuming you are using the integrated pipeline, the request life cycle is the same for .Net and non-.Net requests. the "Failed Request Tracing Rules" feature of IIS7 will give you an extreme amount of detail about the events that fire during a request's lifecycle. I've used that to debug HttpModules and it helps a lot.
A2. Yes, you don't need to put an HttpModule in the GAC to register it. As long as it is in your app's "bin" folder, IIS7 will be able to find it.