Not sure if the background is relevant, but I'll include it in the eventuality
I'm moving from wxglade, so I generated a XRC from wxglade and imported in wxformbuilder
I have a grid that I subclass to add some functionality, in wxformbuilder it shows the grid correctly and the subclass propriety is also correct (mygrid.MyGrid)
but the generated code of course doesn't import mygrid as it should, so when running it it throws:
NameError: global name 'mygrid' is not defined
is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? any workarounds?
ok, found an ugly workaround that seems to work
basically I manually add the reference to the module global dictionay:
in the example the code is generated in the file and my class is inside the file
import mygrid
import gui
import sys
setattr(sys.modules["gui"], "mygrid", mygrid)