Im building an HTML5 file upload, and I want to have the dragenter fire when the user drags a file over the window. The idea is that dragenter will triger a lightbox style overlay, showing the drop zone.
here is my code. (jQuery)
$(window).bind('dragenter', function (e) {
}).bind('dragexit', function (e) {
this works fine, but if the user grabs an image or some texts and drags it, it also trigers, the dragenter event. Is there a way I can tell what is being dragged so only actual files to upload trigger showing the overlay?
I think something like the following should work; (Though I don't think it's Opera friendly.)
function DraggedFiles(e)
for (n in e.dataTransfer.types)
if (e.dataTransfer.types[n] === "Files") return true;
return false;
Then, for your dragEnter
event, just add:
if (DraggedFiles(e))
// files were dragged onto here
} else {
// something other than files were dragged
where you want to make the check and do action/inaction.