I have a voting system for articles. Articles are stored in 'stories' table and all votes are stored in 'votes' table. id in 'stories' table is equal to item_name in 'votes' table (therefore each vote is related to article with item_name).
I want to make it so when sum of votes gets to 10 it updates 'showing' field in 'stories' table to value of "1".
I was thinking about setting up a cron job that runs every hour to check all posts that have a showing = 0. If showing = 0 than it will sum up votes related to that article and set showing = 1 if sum of votes >= 10. I'm not sure if it is efficient as it might take up a lot of server resources, not sure.
So could anyone suggest a cron job that could do the task?
Here is my database structure:
Stories table
Votes table
For example this row from 'stories' table:
id| 12
st_auth | author name
st_date | story date
st_title| story title
st_category| story category
st_body| story body
showing| 0 for unaproved and 1 for approved
This row is related to this one from 'votes' table
id| 83 item_name| 12 (id of article) vote_value| 1 for upvote -1 for downvote ...
Couple of things:
Why did you name the column item_name
in the votes table, when it is actually the id of the article table? I would recommend making this a match on the article table in that it is an int(11) vs a var_char(255). Also, you should add a foreign key constraint to the votes table, so if an article is ever deleted, you don't orphan a row in the votes table.
Why is the vote_value
column an int(11)? If it can only be two states (1, or -1) you can do a tinyint(1) signed (for the -1).
The ip
column in the votes table is a bit concerning. If you are regulating 'unique' votes by ip, did you account for proxy ips? Something like this should be handled at the account level, so several users from the same proxy IP can issue individual votes.
I wouldn't do a cronjob for determining whether the showing
column should be flagged 0 or 1. Rather, I would issue a count every time a vote was cast against the article. So if someone up-voted or down-voted, calculate the new value of the story, and store it in cache for future reads.