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Can multiple servlets bind to the same datasource (JNDI)?

I have a datasource set in my Jetty.xml file that looks like this:

<New id="MySQL_DS" class="">
    <New class="com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource">
      <Set name="driverClass">com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</Set>
      <Set name="jdbcUrl">jdbc:mysql:[IP]</Set>
      <Set name="user">[USER]</Set>
      <Set name="password">[PASSWORD]</Set>
      <Set name="checkoutTimeout">5000</Set>
      <Set name="initialPoolSize">3</Set>
      <Set name="maxIdleTime">3600</Set>
      <Set name="maxPoolSize">50</Set>
      <Set name="minPoolSize">1</Set>
      <Set name="maxStatements">200</Set>
      <Set name="maxConnectionAge">0</Set>
      <Set name="acquireIncrement">3</Set>

It is defined in my web.xml like so:

  <description>DB Connection</description>

And I bind to my datasource like this in my servlet code:

InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
_dataSource = (DataSource)ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/jdbc/MySQL_DS");

My question is:

I need to have 4 servlet using this context lookup, on the same datasource. Is such a thing even possible?

I mean, can multiple servlets bind to the same datasource, or must each servlet have their own one?

I'm asking this because I have one servlet that is working correctly but another one throws a javax.naming.NameNotFoundException (remaining name jdbc/MySQL_DS).



  • As far as I know, you shouldn't have to specify unique data sources for each servlet.

    I'm working on a Java EE web application that has multiple servlets in it that all use one data source for connecting to the DB. This web application uses Oracle as the back-end and WebLogic Server as the application server.

    In this web application's architecture, there's a dedicated class for connecting to the DB. All of the servlets invoke this class to get a connection to the DB.

    This connection class has the following lines in the constructor (similar to yours above)...

    InitialContext ic=new InitialContext();
    DataSource ds=(DataSource) ic.lookup("jdbc/OracleDS");
    con=ds.getConnection("user","pwd"); \\ ("con" is a private Connection instance var)

    Then, each of the servlets just use the connection class to connect into the DB.

    For instance...

    MyConnectionClass con = new MyConnectionClass(); // ("MyConnectionClass" is where the data source info is...)
    PreparedStatement ps=con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM SOME_TABLE");
    ResultSet rs=ps.executeQuery();
    more code below...