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Access current document and display messagebox from agent called via lotusscript from UI

I have an agent with the following code:

Sub Initialize
    MessageBox "AgentStart"
    Print "AgentStart"

    Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace
    Dim s As New NotesSession
    Dim db As NotesDatabase
    Dim vItemsBySupplierSpec As NotesView
    Dim Doc As NotesDocument
    Dim DocsWithSameSupplierSpec As NotesDocumentCollection
    Dim MatchingDoc As NotesDocument
    Set Doc = ws.CurrentDocument.Document

    If Len(Doc.ItemSupplierSpecification(0)) > 0 Then
        ' Check that this supplier specification isn't use anywhere else.'
        Set db = s.CurrentDatabase
        Set vItemsBySupplierSpec = db.GetView("vItemsBySupplierSpec")

        Set DocsWithSameSupplierSpec = vItemsBySupplierSpec.GetAllDocumentsByKey(Doc.ItemSupplierSpecification(0), True)
        Set MatchingDoc = DocsWithSameSupplierSpec.GetFirstDocument

        Dim ItemsString As String

        ItemsString = "The following items already use this supplier specification." + Chr(10) + Chr(10) + _
        "You should check whether you really want to raise another, or use the existing one." + Chr(10)

        While Not MatchingDoc Is Nothing
            ItemsString = ItemsString + Chr(10) + MatchingDoc.ItemNumber(0) + " - " + MatchingDoc.ItemDescription(0)
            Set MatchingDoc = DocsWithSameSupplierSpec.GetNextDocument(MatchingDoc)

        If DocsWithSameSupplierSpec.Count > 0 Then
            Print ItemsString
            MsgBox ItemsString
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Previously it was ran within the onchange event of a field in a form.

I've now created an agent as above, and want to invoke it from the ui both in lotus script and @formula language.

Dim s As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase

Set db = s.CurrentDatabase

Dim CheckSupplierSpec As NotesAgent
Set CheckSupplierSpec = db.GetAgent("CheckSupplierSpec")

If CheckSupplierSpec.Run = 0 Then
    MessageBox "Agent Ran"
End If

I created the agent as trigger, on event - menu selection, target: none, options: shared. I do get the "Agent Ran" messagebox.

I've tried this however although checking the agent it says it last ran when the onchange event was fired i don't get any message boxes or print output.

The first question, is why isn't the messagebox working? the 2nd question is how can i get the current document?


  • It would help to know why you moved it from onChange to an agent, but I think there are ways to do what you want to do.

    You mentioned invoking the agent from formula language- I was able to display a Messagebox calling the agent this way:


    Another option would be doing your agent as a Java agent. This gives you access to Java UI classes that will display even if called by NotesAgent.Run. Example here.

    If you don't want to rework the entire agent in Java, you can use LS2J to access the Java UI classes. For example, you could create a Java script library called "Java Messagebox":

    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    public class JavaMessagebox {
        public void Messagebox (String message) {
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, message);

    and then call it from a LotusScript agent like this:

    Use "Java Messagebox"
    Uselsx "*javacon"
    Sub Initialize
        Dim mySession  As JavaSession
        Dim myClass As JavaClass
        Dim myObject As JavaObject
        Set mySession = New JavaSession()
        Set myClass = mySession.GetClass("JavaMessagebox")
        Set myObject = myClass.CreateObject()
        myObject.Messagebox(|This is my Java messagebox!|)
    End Sub

    For a more sophisticated example using a Java AWT component that uses the native look and feel of your operating system, I recommend studying Julian Robichaux's LS2J Examples Database. His StatusBox example is non-modal but you can find the parameter to make it modal here if needed.