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How to convert an mkv (with subtitles) to something Nexus One friendly?

I have this ffmpeg one-liner that's been good for generating video files for my Nexus One:

ffmpeg -i infile.mkv -acodec aac -s 572x238 -vcodec libx264 -vpre ipod640 -ab 128k -b 512k -f mp4 -strict experimental outfile.mp4

But it does this ignorant of the subtitles in infile.mkv -- usually not a problem, unless I'm dealing with a non-english movie. In cases like this, I'd like to use the Japanese audio track, and the English subtitles.

The funny bit is that I can use mplayer to play it using -alang and -slang, but don't know how to use mencoder to make Nexus One friendly videos. I can use ffmpeg to generate Nexus One friendly videos, but can't figure out how to get it to use a specific subtitle track.

If someone can solve one of these for me, I'll be a happy camper.


  • Well after a lot of googling and trial & error, here is what worked for me:

    mencoder infile.mkv -o outfile.mp4 -vf dsize=512:352:2,scale=-8:-8,harddup -oac faac -faacopts mpeg=4:object=2:raw:br=128 -of lavf -lavfopts format=mp4 -ovc x264 -sws 9 -x264encopts nocabac:level_idc=30:bframes=0:bitrate=264:threads=auto:global_header:threads=auto:subq=5:frameref=6:partitions=all:trellis=1:chroma_me:me=umh

    It's not using ffmpeg, but it appears to be working.