I'm trying to do a search for a user's tweets with a specific hashtag, where the user's twitter handle is defined by the twitter attribute on the Profile model (@profile.twitter).
Here is the action in my controller:
def profile_twitter
@profile = Profile.find(params[:id])
@profile_tweets = Twitter.search(["#hashtag"], [from:"#{@profile.twitter}"])
render :json => @tweets
If I perform the search manually like below it works, although I get an Unexpected tRPAREN
in my IDE:
@profile_tweets = Twitter.search("#hashtag", from:"username")
If I perform the search like the one below (using the twitter attribute) the Unexpected tRPAREN
goes away, but I get (undefined method 'merge' for [{:from=>"username"}]:Array)
@profile_tweets = Twitter.search(["#hashtag"], [from:"#{@profile.twitter}"])
If I perform the search like the one below (still using the twitter attribute) I get an Unexpected tRPAREN
in my IDE, I get /Users/Travis/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p290/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/http.rb:678: [BUG] Segmentation fault
and my server shuts down.
@profile_tweets = Twitter.search("#hashtag", from:"@profile.twitter")
Doing the search a bit differently seems to work at first but then shuts the server down with the same segmentation fault as above:
@profile_tweets = Twitter.search("#hashtag", from:"#{@profile.twitter}")
Has anyone else encountered this who might be able to help me with a solution?
For anyone else who may have this problem, I opened the issue on GitHub and got the solution from Erik Michaels-Ober:
@profile_tweets = Twitter.search("#hashtag from:#{@profile.twitter}")