How could I write this example with the Mojo::DOM module?
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use 5.012;
use XML::LibXML;
my $string =<<EOS;
<artist class="1">Pumkinsingers</artist>
<artist class="2">Max and Moritz</artist>
<title>Hello, Hello</title>
<artist class="3">Green Trees</artist>
<artist class="4">The Leons</artist>
<title>The Shield</title>
my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
my $doc = $parser->load_xml( string => $string );
my $root = $doc->documentElement;
my $xpath = '/result/cd[artists/artist[@class="2"]]/title';
my @nodes = $root->findnodes( $xpath );
for my $node ( @nodes ) {
say $node->textContent;
Mojo::DOM supports CSS3 selectors, which are amazing, but not quite as versatile as xpath; CSS3 doesn't provide a way to ascend after descending into a node.
You can accomplish the same thing, though it's a bit more involved:
->find('result:root > cd > artists > artist.2')
->each(sub { say shift->parent->parent->title->text });
say $_->parent->parent->title->text
for Mojo::DOM->new($string)
->find('result:root > cd > artists > artist.2')->each;