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How to use UTCTime in yesod without hidden module errors?

I'm creating a simple website using yesod.

It was working until I added a field of type UTCTime to my database model.

I initially got an error suggesting I add "time-" to my cabal file, so I did and now I get much the same error without the suggestion:

    Could not find module `Data.Time.Clock.UTC':
      it is a hidden module in the package `time-'
      Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.

The ghc command-line generated by cabal is:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Haskell Platform\2011.2.0.1\bin\ghc.exe" --make -o dist\build\lpi\lpi.exe -hide-all-packages -fbuilding-cabal-package -package-conf dist\package.conf.inplace -i -idist\build\lpi\lpi-tmp -i. -idist\build\autogen -Idist\build\autogen -Idist\build\lpi\lpi-tmp -optP-DPRODUCTION -optP-include -optPdist\build\autogen\cabal_macros.h -odir dist\build\lpi\lpi-tmp -hidir dist\build\lpi\lpi-tmp -stubdir dist\build\lpi\lpi-tmp -package-id base- -package-id bytestring- -package-id clientsession- -package-id hamlet-0.10.5-1bacb5fe791e5cc9e28c8cf9f07c06e2 -package-id hjsmin-0.0.14-a1d374204877c150b681896452f205f4 -package-id mime-mail- -package-id monad-control-0.3.1-092d8fe82727181557b850f795f847bc -package-id persistent- -package-id persistent-sqlite- -package-id shakespeare-css-0.10.4-f8e17e4528d3a37edee74b13441720de -package-id shakespeare-js-0.10.3-dfec6b68f60671528332da06c9799659 -package-id shakespeare-text-0.10.3-a0ae9b85c3588ff2572080a6d1cdd4c3 -package-id template-haskell- -package-id text- -package-id time- -package-id yesod- -package-id yesod-auth-0.7.8-94a2849a33bb6f6d4c0e15615ef22bea -package-id yesod-core- -package-id yesod-default-0.4.1-1f30d8d893952d0661328b681d9ce291 -package-id yesod-form-0.3.4-a84ba844c230f9847bca7c0056375179 -package-id yesod-static-0.3.2-c82f332e85e2c9ba709375b8a14040a1 -O -Wall -threaded -O2 -XHaskell98 -XTemplateHaskell -XQuasiQuotes -XOverloadedStrings -XNoImplicitPrelude -XCPP -XMultiParamTypeClasses -XTypeFamilies -XGADTs -XGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving -XFlexibleContexts .\main.hs

so time- is definitely being referenced.

All the packages were downloaded in the last 24 hours so they should be pretty much up-to-date.

How can I unhide Data.Time.Clock.UTC?


  • I got the same error recently amd the answer was to

    import Data.Time

    instead of

    import Data.Time.Clock.UTC

    since the first module re-exports the hidden module.