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How to set Id for EditorFor() html helper in asp .net MVC3

I used this to override framework generated id
@Html.EditorFor(model => model.cost, new { id = "checkCost" })
But unfortunately id is not changing. i.e
When i use
string d = Request.Form["checkCost"];
at controller action then string filled with null value.
WHY?? I also replaced EditorFor with TextBoxFor but nothing changed then also controller takes cost as ID

<td >
        @Html.DropDownList("check_master", "--select package--")
    <td >
        @Html.EditorFor(model => model.check_name)
        @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.check_name)
    <td >
        @Html.EditorFor(model => model.cost, new { id ="checkCost" })
        @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.cost)


  • This is my partial view and my main view(rendering partial from ajax.actionLink) also hold a EditorFor(model=>mode.cost)
  • Partial view is strongly typed to Check_master table and main view is strongly typed to package_master where both entitySet hold same name property i.e "COST" Secondly both partial and main view hold EditorFor "cost"

    I tried to change the name of check_master property like by
  • [Column("check_cost")]

public Nullable cost { get; set; }
But dont know why this is not working i.e property naem is not changing while referring it like



  • Create 2 view models with properties CheckCost and PackageCost that way there's a seperation:

    public class CheckViewModel{
       public string CheckCost{get;set;}
    public class PackageViewModel{
       public string PackageCost{get;set;}

    This way avoid conflicts.