Basically the idea is to map the emoticons in the string to actual words. say for :) you replace it with happy. A more clear example would be. Original: Today is a sunny day :). But tomorrow it is going to rain :(. Final: Today is a sunny day happy. But tomorrow it is going to rain sad.
I have trying a solution using a common regex for all emoticons but I am not sure once you detect it is an emoticon, how to go back and replace each one with appropriate word. I need it only for three emoticons :),:( and :D. Thank you.
Use Regex.Replace
method that takes a custom match evaluator.
static string ReplaceSmile(Match m) {
string x = m.ToString();
if (x.Equals(":)")) {
return "happy";
} else if (x.Equals(":(")) {
return "sad";
return x;
static void Main() {
string text = "Today is a sunny day :). But tomorrow it is going to rain :(";
Regex rx = new Regex(@":[()]");
string result = rx.Replace(text, new MatchEvaluator(ReplaceSmile));
System.Console.WriteLine("result=[" + result + "]");