Using ruby(1.8.7)
, rails(2.3.8)
, rspec(1.3.1)
and rspec-rails(1.3.3)
how do I test a method that is full of complex SQL queries? Is there a way to make use of stubs and mocks. For example, a method like:
class Bucket << ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessor :students
def populate_students_subassesmentwise(subassesment, mentor)
student_ids = Mark.find(:all,
:joins => "#{self.student_current_klass} #{self.current_mentors}",
:conditions => ["marks.subject_id = ? AND st.klass_id = ? AND
IF(sub.is_elective IS TRUE,
(se.student_id = AND se.subject_klass_id = marks.klass_id AND se.student_klass_id = st.klass_id AND marks.subject_id = se.subject_id),
(marks.klass_id = st.klass_id))
AND u.account_enabled IS TRUE AND IS TRUE AND IS TRUE AND marks.markable_id = ? AND marks.markable_type = ?
AND ROUND(marks_obtained/marks_total*100) BETWEEN ? AND ? ",
mentor.subject_id, mentor.klass_id,, "Subassesment", min_range, max_range],
:group => "").collect(&:student_id)
self.assign_students(student_ids) # This is a call to another instance method that runs a query to find the students having ids equal to student ids and assign it to the students attr_accessor
As you can see there are a lot of JOIN, IF and WHERE clauses, that are more of talking in 'DBMS' terms, how do I write tests in Rspec that would mock this query? Or should we use fixtures?
Personally I would test this using fixtures (or rather, FactoryGirl). Since you're really testing your sql/database code it seems silly to me not to test this in the database. Unless you have a seperate sql unittesting setup or something (which seems like overkill to me ;) (in most scenarios))