So What I'm trying to do is populate an Extjs line graph. I've created a JSON store that pulls json from a remote page and for some reason my graph is not being populated.
Heres my Ext code:
var store = new{
autoDestroy: true,
url: '',
storeId: 'graphStore',
root: 'rows',
idProperty: 'date',
fields: ['date', 'posts']
new Ext.Panel({
title: 'Posts',
renderTo: 'test_graph',
items: {
xtype: 'linechart',
store: store,
xField: 'date',
yField: 'posts',
listeners: {
itemclick: function(o){
var rec = store.getAt(o.index);
Ext.example.msg('Item Selected', 'You chose {0}.', rec.get('date'));
And here's the JSON that is supposed to be populating it:
I can't figure out for the life of me why this won't work. The graph axis shows up, but the line doesn't render.
I was having the same problem, even with store.autoLoad
set to true
Actually, everything worked great when I hardcoded the json results into the page. But when I tried to use ajax to pull it from a database, the line never rendered! This wasn't a problem reading from the database, either. I verified that it was definitely pulling from the database.
I solved this by setting autoLoad
to false and added store.load()
after actual chart rendered and it worked totally fine.