I'm currently attempting to write a simpler external interface to a mainframe ISPF panel, however it makes use of ISPF file tailoring to modify JCL scripts before execution, and ISPF services (including file tailoring) aren't available without a running ISPF session. I've used a Rexx script called 'batchpdf' (http://www.sillysot.com/mvs/batchpdf.htm) to set up the appropriate DD statements and then run ISPSTART and FTINCL, and at the moment this is working well, however it seems to be a fragile solution - if the company changes their ISPF dataset concatenations the JCL could break. Is there any solution for simply running file tailoring outside ISPF (ie. in batch/JES2)?
The short answer is no. File tailoring inherently requires ISPF.
I guess the questions to ask yourself are...
I wouldn't call what you've done "fragile." Document the dependency according to your shop's standards.