I am currently in the planing stage of building an interactive periodic table of the elements program in python 3. It won't be a super advanced program, since I am only a beginner in python 3 (4-5 months of self-training).
Basically, when you click on an element of the periodic table, you will look at its properties in more detail and would have a dynamic 3D view of the an animated atom (with the electrons circling around it) which I would create in Blender. Here is a simple mockup I just made for people who are visual (lots of stuff missing here, but it's only the basic shell).
Ok, so my question is: How can I interact with 3D objects in Python 3? I have searched, and have found that PyGame can handle this, but it seems it's not the best to handle 3D graphics, and I am not sure if PyGame is ideal for this kind of program. Of course, there is vpython, but it doesn't work with Python 3. So how can I manage to do this?
Please keep in mind that I am a beginner, so any resources you think can help me would be of great appreciation!
Thanks to all.
The easiest could be to use images and videos.
But if you want to manipulate 3D, there are PyOpenGL and VPython.