I'm currently using this YQL (Yahoo Query Language) query to convert the JSON from a site to JSONP:
select * from json where url="http://airportcode.riobard.com/airport/ABC?fmt=JSON"
is the parameter.
So I know YQL is designed to be similar to SQL and I think has some feature that lets you do joins, but I'm not sure if it would be possible to use these features to combine several queries to this airportcode site into a single request. (The site doesn't support this and the site's owner hasn't replied to my email query.)
Basically I want a YQL query that will get not just results for ABC
but for ABC
, in one call. Is it possible?
You could also make good use of the uritemplate
table to convert the airport codes into a group of URLs which can then be fed to the json
Airport Codes to URLs
The uritemplate
table takes a "template" and any number of values to populate that template with. (See also, URI Template draft).
In this case the needs are simple, just inject the airport code into the path at the appropriate place.
select * from uritemplate where
and airport in ("SFO", "LAX", "LHR")
(Try this query in the YQL console)
This gives the following result (diagnostics
information removed for simplicity).
Getting JSON results from these URLs
Now that we have a list of URLs, it is simple enough to use the json
table to retrieve the JSON for each of them by using a sub-select. In fact we already used a sub-select above, recognisable by the in (…)
select * from json where url in (
select url from uritemplate
where template="http://airportcode.riobard.com/airport/{airport}?fmt=JSON"
and airport in ("SFO", "LAX", "LHR")
(Try this query in the YQL console)
The result this time looks like.
Easy querying
I am a big fan of YQL's query aliases (and the associated variable substitution like @var
) which can provide neat endpoints for you to access without the need to embed the YQL query into the URL. The link above details how to create them, and the end result is that you could have a YQL query such as the one below.
select * from json where url in (
select url from uritemplate where
and airport in (@ap)
With a query alias (I've called it airports
) the query can be accessible via a URL like the one below, and have the ability to easily change or add more/fewer airport codes easily.
(Go there. Note: I might delete this alias without notice.)