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ValueInjecter Mapping ViewModel To Domain

I am playing around with valueinjecter and wondering how do I do viewmodels to domains when the view model has a collection of viewmodels?

Say I have this domain

   public class MyDomain
       public IList<MyOtherDomain> MyOtherDomains {get; set;}

   public class MyOtherDomain
       public string Name {get; set;}

   public class MyMasterVM
       public IList<MyOtherVm> MyOtherDomains {get; set;}

   public class MyOtherVm
       public string Name {get; set;}

now how do I do my injecting? Do I need to manually map these with valueinjector?

public ActionResult Method(MyMasterVM vm)
   MyDomain d = new MyDomain();


After some playing around I got the simulator to work. However mine is different than the one in the tests

// sample test
   public class FooBar : TypeMapper<Foo, Bar>
            public override Bar Map(Foo source, Bar target)
                base.Map(source, target);
                target.NoConvention = source.Name + source.Xyz + source.Props;
                return target;

    public void MapShouldMapCollectionPropertiesAndUseFooBarTypeMapper()
        MapperFactory.AddMapper(new FooBar());
        var foo = new Foo
            Foos = new List<Foo>
                           new Foo{Name = "f1",Props = "v",Xyz = 19},
                           new Foo{Name = "f2",Props = "i",Xyz = 7},
                           new Foo{Name = "f3",Props = "v",Xyz = 3},

        var bar = Mapper.Map<Foo, Bar>(foo);

        Assert.AreEqual(foo.Foos.Count(), bar.Foos.Count());

        var ffoos = foo.Foos.ToArray();
        var bfoos = bar.Foos.ToArray();

        for (var i = 0; i < ffoos.Count(); i++)
            Assert.AreEqual(ffoos[i].Name, bfoos[i].Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(ffoos[i].Name + ffoos[i].Xyz + ffoos[i].Props, bfoos[i].NoConvention);

        // mine
public class Test : TypeMapper<IList<MyOtherVm>, IList<MyOtherDomain>> 
        public override IList<MyOtherDomain> Map(IList<MyOtherVm> source, IList<MyOtherDomain> target)
            // not sure if I always have to call base
            // mapping would happen here.
            return base.Map(source, target);

       MapperFactory.AddMapper(new Test());
            IList<MyOtherDomain> otherDomains= new List<MyOtherDomain>();
           MapperVj.Map(vm.MyOtherDomains , otherDomains);

I have to specify it is a IList otherwise it never seems to go into my overridden method.


  • I think you'd need to implement your own custom IValueInjection injector. I am also basing this answer on a typo in your MyDomain class.

    Assumption of typo:

    MyDomain.MyOtherDomains : IList<MyOtherDomains>

    and not

    MyDomain.MyOtherDomains : IList<MyOtherVm>

    So, the customer injection class could look like this (not 100% if there's a better way to do it)

    public class CustomInjecter : IValueInjection
        public object Map(object source, object target)
            MyDomain result = new MyDomain();
            result.MyOtherDomains = new List<MyOtherDomain>();
            foreach (MyOtherVm vm in (source as MyMasterVM).MyOtherVMs)
                MyOtherDomain od = new MyOtherDomain();
                // inject commonly named properties of each "child" VM
            return result;

    In your controller, you can use it almost like you specified above (just change the injector type)

    public ActionResult Method(MyMasterVM vm)
        MyDomain d = new MyDomain();
        // ...