during programming with VBScript I write a lot of error-check code in functions before function start to do actions. So, if some pre-reqierements wan't met, then I do "Exit Function". So, for example:
public fucnton func
if not condition then
func = -1
exit function
End If
'Other conditions with exit functions
'Then long code goes here
func = res
End Function
So, I can exit from function in multiple points. Is this good way to do? In this case I will get long else branches of if statement
Maybe it is better to write:
public fucnton func
if not condition then
func = -1
'Then long code goes here
End If
End Function
Please, share your thoughts.
I've used 'if (badParameters) then exit' style of coding for decades. If nothing else, the actual 'long code' that does the work is not pushed off the right-hand side of the edit window by a massive 'if/then/else' ladder. The ladder makes the code look messier and more complex than it actually is and impedes readability.