Is it possible to get Zend_Db_Table_Row object, with using db adapter for fetching instead of Zend_Db_Table?
For example, I have a next method
public function isAllowed($ip = null)
$check = $this->_dbTable->fetchRow(
->from($this->_dbTable->getName(), array('id'))
->where('ip = ?', $ip)
if I work with Zend_Db_Table I'll get Zend_Db_Table_Row object here, but I have to work with db adapter object (because of using master-slave replication), so I have something like this
public function isAllowed($ip = null)
$db = My_Db_ConnectionManager::getConnection('slave');
$check = $db->fetchRow($db->select()
->from($this->_dbTable->getName(), array('id'))
->where('ip = ?', $ip)
and here I get an array, how can I get Zend_Db_Table_Row here too?
You can instantiate a Row object directly with new
and pass to the constructor an array of data to fill into it. You can get that data from a custom query you ran with the Adapter class.
But you also need to pass a reference to a table, so the row knows if the keys of your array correspond to columns of the given table.
See my answer in Zend_Db_Table_Row: Why do I have to use createRow()?
Another solution is to use the Table class to fetch your row, but specify the db adapter:
public function isAllowed($ip = null)
$slaveDb = My_Db_ConnectionManager::getConnection('slave');
$masterDb = $this->_dbTable->getAdapter();
$check = $this->_dbTable->fetchRow(
->from($this->_dbTable->getName(), array('id'))
->where('ip = ?', $ip)