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Trac after clean install. TracError: IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied

I have clean CentOS 6. I just install via yum install httpd mysql-server, python, mysql-python.

First Step

$ trac-admin /home/tracprojects/main2 initenv

Project name: Main
SQL Connect string: mysql://trac@localhost:3306/trac (base exists, utf8, innoDB)


$ trac-admin /home/tracprojects/main2 deploy /var/www/html/


Second Step

Then I move cgi-bin/trac.wsgi to my /cgi-bin/ server's alias folder. (mod_wsgi working well. NOT as a daemon. tested on wsgi scripts).

Then I've grant permissions to Apache user for whole directories I've create earlier. And add access from apache config. (order-allow-deny).

But when I open my browser and go to url, I've got this error message:

Internal Server Error
TracError: IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/tracprojects/main2/VERSION'

What I do wrong?


  • Do you use SElinux (enabled by default)? With default SElinux I believe Apache can not access /home. You can check this by disabling SElinux temporarily ("setenforce 0" as root) and maybe restarting Apache. Also check /var/log/audit.log.