What would be the easiest way to add a zoom icon to the top left of an image when you hover over the image.
All I am finding with rollovers is affecting the background image.
Ideally I would only make 1 zoom div and image
<div class="zoom"><img src="img/zoom_icon.png" /></div>
and clone that to any image inside a div called gallery
<div class="gallery">
<a href="#zoomed"><img src="img/hey.png" /></a>
And use jquery with mouseover to get the zoom class and position it correctly:
display: block; position: relative; top:0; left:0
And when you mouseout to hide the zoom icon.
Hope this makes sense. Any advice would be great.
With jQuery:
var zoomIcon = $('<img src="path/to/zoom/icon.png" class="zoomIcon" />');
With CSS:
.gallery {
position: relative;
.gallery > .zoomIcon {
display: none;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
.gallery:hover > .zoomIcon {
display: block;
This requires the following mark-up, of course:
<div class="gallery">
<img src="path/to/zoom/icon.png" class="zoomIcon" />
<!-- other content -->