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Is it a good way to test value in property getters / setters of ConfigurationElement

Here is what I've written to test values of the app.config file of my application and I want to know if it's a good way ? I throw an ArgumentOutOfRangeException directly in the MyProperty getters/setters:

internal sealed class ProcessingMyPropertyElement : ConfigurationElement
    [ConfigurationProperty("myproperty", IsRequired = true)]
    public int MyProperty
            if ((int)this["myproperty"] < 0 || (int)this["myproperty"] > 999)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("myproperty");

            return (int)this["myproperty"];
            if (value < 0 || value > 999)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("myproperty");

            this["recurEvery"] = value;


  • When setting the value it is a good idea to check for the range and throw an exception when this is invalid.

    On getting it, I wouldn't throw an exception. This way someone could crash the application by editing the app.config by hand. In your getter I would limit the value to the specific range and return a valid result.

    if ((int)this["myproperty"] < 0 )
         return 0;
    if ((int)this["myproperty"] > 999 )
         return 999;
    return (int)this["myproperty"]