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how to duplicate entire model/controller/view for a different asset type

sorry for the newbie question: I have an app which has projects with different asset types (docs, videos, etc.) I'd like to add another asset for audio with identical functionality to the video one. Is there a way I can easily duplicate model/controller/view/table changing 'video(s)' to 'audio(s)'?


  • You can write a Module using ActiuveSupport::Convern that contains all the methods you need in the model then you can include the Module in the models to extend the models with the methods contained in your Module. Like This:

    module AwsomeModule
         include ActiveSupport::Concern
         module ClassMethods
              # awesome class methods here
         module InstanceMethods
              # awesome instance methods here

    Then in Model simply include your Module. For the views you can use Partials and give them the object via the object and as options like this:

    render 'layouts/awesome_partial', :object => @instance_var, :as => :data

    Then in the Partial you cann access the object given using the variable data.