Search code examples

Fancybox won't respect height

if I don't set the height of the box and leave it by default: the scrollbar is shown as the box is not big enough

enter image description here

    'type': 'iframe',
    'href': '',

if I set it to 400:

enter image description here

    'type' : 'iframe',
    'href' :   '',
    'padding' : '20',
    'height' : '400'

(looks way bigger than 400)

also tried

    'type'              : 'iframe',
    'href'          :   '',
    'height' : '400px',
    'transitionIn'  :   'elastic',

which gives same result as first example


  • You can try using the public method resize, once content has been loaded, see method description :

    *Auto-resizes FancyBox height to match height of content

    Ref :

    Method Usage : $.fancybox.resize();

    What you can try :

                            'type'          : 'iframe',
                            'href'          : '',
                            'scrolling'     : 'no',
                            onComplete : function(){ $.fancybox.resize();}

    onComplete - Will be called once the content is displayed