I'm quite new to Joomla! as well as PHP. Currently i'm developing a Joomla! site using Joomla! Version 1.5.14.
I have downloaded and installed VirtueMart 1.1.3 on my site and now i want to edit the registration fields for the VirtueMart Module.
I went to C:\xampp\htdocs\mysite\modules\mod_virtuemart and opened up the mod_virtuemart PHP script.
I only see these codes for the registration part:
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if( $mosConfig_allowUserRegistration == '1' ) : ?>
<td colspan="2">
<?php echo $VM_LANG->_('NO_ACCOUNT'); ?>
<a href="<?php $sess->purl( SECUREURL.'index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=mysite.registration' ); ?>">
<?php echo $VM_LANG->_('CREATE_ACCOUNT'); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
But i'm unable to find the few lines of codes for the registration fields (For the user to key in). Examples: Email, company name, title, first name, last name, etc... (with the text boxes beside them) Hope you get what i mean.
Now i want to add in some more fields for registration, such as 'Position in company', etc.. Can anyone tell me specifically where to find those codes so that i can edit them?
As per my knowledge you should do it from admin panel. Joomla provide custom settings of fields for virtuemart user registration.
You also can refer below link for that.
I think this would be helpful to you.
Let me know if anything new you get.