I am trying to test my Android apps in my Samsung Galaxy S i9000 but I dont know why, I cant. It doesn't appear in the Devices tab on Eclipse. I've downloaded the Google Drivers via SDK Manager, I've got the Samsung Drivers for Windows x64, I've put it in debugging mode, and still nothing.
This is weird, because some time ago, but in another computer, I was able to do this with my old Xperia X8 and Nexus S, with no problem.
This phone is rooted and has a MIUI Rom on it, but my old phones were rooted and had cooked rooms too, and worked perfectly.
Am I missing something?
Thanks a lot!
On your computer, go to the start menu and type devmgmt.msc
(it runs Device Management. There should then be a yellow exclamation-point box thing and a name of a driver (for the one that's missing). If there exists that issue, please comment with the exact name of the missing driver. If that does not appear there, then that means it's an issue with the MIUI rom, not so much the drivers.
I personally had some custom roms that I could not get to support ADB.
Though, if I installed "Remote ADB" from the Android Market, that would work via Wi-Fi even without USB drivers, so that is another recommendation.