I want to count the number of lines that have all the log files in a specified month. So far I get those files with the following command.
ls localhost_access_log.[0-9][0-9]-11-11*
An example of this file name is localhost_access_log.10-10-11.log
I tried to use
ls localhost_access_log.[0-9][0-9]-11-11* | wc -l
this option gives me is the number of files filtered by ls, not what I want. I want the sum of all the lines that have these files. Thanks
This will give you the total number of lines in all files -
wc -l localhost_access_log.[0-9][0-9]-11-11* | awk 'END{print $1}'
Even better -
awk 'END{print NR}' localhost_access_log.[0-9][0-9]-11-11*