I need to change current working dir in lua script for execute specific actions, but i have a trouble with this simple task. I write test script test.lua :
os.execute("cd /usr")
But lua test.lua output is:
Current dir doesn't change. What's is wrong? And i can't use LFS or any non-std modules.
Thanks to all for explaining it situation. I choose another way : change work dir before run lua script, but i have a lot of troubles with paths which use in scripts and with scripts.
The Lua standard library is intended to be both small and portable. Therefore, it is based on the capabilities of the C-standard library for all but a select few functions. It has no function to change directories; that's why libraries like LFS exist.
Have you considered that Lua may not be the appropriate language for your needs? If you're doing shell-style scripting work in an environment where you're not allowed to load non-standard modules, perhaps Python or Perl would be better for you. Both of them have extensive standard libraries with a host of features, all without the need to download non-standard modules.
If you want to do any real shell-style scripting in Lua, you need modules. It's that simple. So you should either use external modules or use a different language.