I'm wondering if someone has an example on how can be used the TJvProgramVersionCheck component performing the check via HTTP.
The example in the JVCL examples dir doesn't show how to use HTTP
thank you
The demo included in your $(JVCL)\Examples\JvProgramVersionCheck
folder seems to be able to do so. Edit the properties of the JVProgramVersionHTTPLocation
, and add the URL to it's VersionInfoLocation
list (a TStrings
). You can also set up any username, password, proxy, and port settings if needed.
You also need to add an OnLoadFileFromRemote
event handler. I don't see anything in the demo that addresses that requirement, but the source code says:
{ Simple HTTP location class with no http logic.
The logic must be implemented manually in the OnLoadFileFromRemote event }
It appears from the parameters that event receives that you do your checking there:
function TJvProgramVersionFTPLocation.LoadFileFromRemoteInt(
const ARemotePath, ARemoteFileName, ALocalPath, ALocalFileName: string;
ABaseThread: TJvBaseThread): string;
So you'll need to add an event handler for this event, and then change the TJVProgramVersionCheck.LocationType
property to pvltHTTP
and run the demo. After testing, it seems you're provided the server and filename for the remote version, and a local path and temp filename for the file you download. The event handler's Result
should be the full path and filename of the newly downloaded file. Your event handler should take care of the actual retrieval of the file.
There are a couple of additional types defined in JvProgramVersionCheck.pas
, (TJvProgramVersionHTTPLocationICS
and TJvProgramVersionHTTPLocationIndy
, both protected by compiler defines so they don't exist in the default compilation. However, setting the ICS
related define resulted in lots of compilation errors (it apparently was written against an old version of ICS
), and setting the Indy
define (and then setting it again to use Indy10
instead) allowed it to compile but didn't change any of the behavior. I'm going to look more into this later today.
Also, make sure that the VersionInfoLocation
entry is only the URL (without the filename); the filename itself goes in the VersionInfoFileName
property. If you put it in the URL, it gets repeated (as in http://localhost/Remote/ProjectVersions_http.iniProjectVersions_http.ini
, and will fail anyway. (I found this while tracing through the debugger trying to solve the issue.)
The solution is slightly (but not drastically) complicated. Here's what I did:
Copy JvProgramVersionCheck.pas
to the demo folder. (It needs to be recompiled because of the next step.)
Go to Project->Options->Directories and Conditionals, and add the following line to the DEFINES
Delete the JvProgramVersionHTTPLocation
component from the demo form.
Add a new private
section to the form declaration:
HTTPLocation: TJvProgramVersionHTTPLocationIndy;
In the FormCreate
event, add the following code:
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
RemoteFileURL = 'http://localhost/';
RemoteFileName = 'ProjectVersions_http.ini';
HTTPLocation := TJvProgramVersionHTTPLocationIndy.Create(Self); // Self means we don't free
HTTPLocation.VersionInfoFileName := RemoteFileName;
ProgramVersionCheck.LocationHTTP := HTTPLocation;
ProgramVersionCheck.LocationType := pvltHTTP;
VersionCheck; // This line is already there
In the ProgramVersionCheck
component properties, expand the VersionInfoFileOptions
property, and change the FileFormat
from hffXML
to hffIni
Delete or rename the versioninfolocal.ini
from the demo's folder. (If you've run the app once, it stores the http location info, and the changes above are overwritten. This took a while to track down.)
Make sure your local http server is running, and the ProjectVersions_http.ini
file is in the web root folder. You should then be able to run the demo. Once the form appears, click on the Edit History
button to see the information retrieved from the remote version info file. You'll also have a new copy of the versioninfolocal.ini
that has the saved configuration info you entered above.