I'm trying to access the .html files and extract the text in <p>
tags. Logically, my code below should work. By using the HTML::TreeBuilder. I parse the html then extract text in <p>
using find_by_attribute("p"). But my script came out with empty directories. Did i leave out anything?
use strict;
use HTML::TreeBuilder 3;
use FileHandle;
my @task = ('ar','cn','en','id','vn');
foreach my $lang (@task) {
mkdir "./extract_$lang", 0777 unless -d "./extract_$lang";
opendir (my $dir, "./$lang/") or die "$!";
my @files = grep (/\.html/,readdir ($dir));
closedir ($dir);
foreach my $file (@files) {
open (my $fh, '<', "./$lang/$file") or die "$!";
my $root = HTML::TreeBuilder->new;
my @all_p = $root->find_by_attribute("p");
foreach my $p (@all_p) {
my $ptag = HTML::TreeBuilder->new_from_content ($p->as_HTML);
my $filewrite = substr($file, 0, -5);
open (my $outwrite, '>>', "extract_$lang/$filewrite.txt") or die $!;
print $outwrite $ptag->as_text . "\n";
my $pcontents = $ptag->as_text;
print $pcontents . "\n";
close (outwrite);
close (FH);
My .html files are the plain text htmls from .asp websites e.g. http://www.singaporemedicine.com/vn/hcp/med_evac_mtas.asp
My .html files are saved in:
You are confusing element with attribute. The program can be written much more concisely:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strictures;
use File::Glob qw(bsd_glob);
use Path::Class qw(file);
use URI::file qw();
use Web::Query qw(wq);
use autodie qw(:all);
foreach my $lang (qw(ar cn en id vn)) {
mkdir "./extract_$lang", 0777 unless -d "./extract_$lang";
foreach my $file (bsd_glob "./$lang/*.html") {
my $basename = file($file)->basename;
$basename =~ s/[.]html$/.txt/;
open my $out, '>>:encoding(UTF-8)', "./extract_$lang/$basename";
$out->say($_) for wq(URI::file->new_abs($file))->find('p')->text;
close $out;