I am new to Auto It and I want to copy the contents of a file(any type) to another by creating a word document on the hard drive using Auto It script.
Could anyone help me please?
Note: I want to open a file, read the contents and write them to another file by creating it in any specified location as per my wish.
Please help me in this aspect
Thanks in adv
; Open source file, file must exist
$sourceFile=FileOpenDialog("Source file", "c:\", "All(*.*)", 1)
If @error Then
MsgBox("No file choosen")
; Open dest file
$destFile=FileOpenDialog("Destination file", "c:\", "All(*.*)")
If @error Then
MsgBox("No file choosen")
$result=FileCopy($sourceFile, $destFile)
If ($result = 0) Then
MsgBox("copy failed")