I am sharing objects between different sites using the Django-sites framework. This works fine because I was able to define a many-to-many relationship within my models.
However, while retrieving the comments (Django-comments) for the objects using the template tag 'render_comment_list', I only get those comments which where posted in that particular site. This is expected, but I would like also to get those other comments that were posted for that object which is shared among multiple sites.
Digging into the code of Django-comments, it seems that this is the method causing the 'problem':
def get_query_set(self, context):
ctype, object_pk = self.get_target_ctype_pk(context)
if not object_pk:
return self.comment_model.objects.none()
qs = self.comment_model.objects.filter(
content_type = ctype,
object_pk = smart_unicode(object_pk),
site__pk = settings.SITE_ID,
My questions are:
You don't have to copy and past 99% of the template tag code, just subclass RenderCommentListNode
and override the get_queryset_method
where you identified the problem. Then copy the render_comment_list
function, but use your child class.
class RenderCommentListNodeAllSites(RenderCommnetListNode):
def get_query_set(self, context):
ctype, object_pk = self.get_target_ctype_pk(context)
if not object_pk:
return self.comment_model.objects.none()
qs = self.comment_model.objects.filter(
content_type = ctype,
object_pk = smart_unicode(object_pk),
def render_comment_list_all_sites(parser, token):
return RenderCommentListNodeAllSites.handle_token(parser, token)