Arc is built on top of Racket. Since both of them are in the Lisp family, I am curious about the the advantage of Arc over Racket, or what is the motivation of creating Arc given that Racket is available?
Writing your own language is, in a sense, empowering: you get to choose what primitives, what kinds of expressions, are convenient to write in that language. In that sense, you can look at a book like On Lisp and see that the core authors of Arc have a strong opinion on what kinds of things they'd like from a language.
If I take your question and boil it down to the essentials, it sounds like this: why should people write domain-specific languages?
(It's a separate question to consider whether the Arc folks should have re-implemented so many primitive facilities, such as their own macro and module systems, when there's already such mechanisms built into Racket. But the Arc authors are perfectly within their rights to re-invent.)
I guess one of the objections I have to Arc is this: the way they've implemented the official runtime makes it difficult to reuse the work they've done back to plain Racket. In that sense, it's effort that helps only one community, whereas it would have been nice to be able to easily benefit from the work of the Arc folks.