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What are all the things you can bind to in a NSTableColumn of NSPopupButtonCell?

There are quite a few things you can bind to in a NSTableColumn filled with NSPopupButtonCell, I tried looking around for explanations but couldn't seem to find any.

enter image description here

  • What are each of the binding under value selection for? For example, what's the difference between "Content" and "Content Values"?
  • Why is "Content Objects" grayed out anyways?
  • Why do you bind to the table column instead of the Pop Up Button Cell? The binding options available for Table Column containing a TextCell is also different. How is that accomplished?


  • This should help for general explanations of the bindings

    For help with binding an NSPopupButtonCell and Core Data check out my tutorial at: It will also give you an idea of how the bindings would work for non - Core Data stuff as well.