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How to trace Knapsack problem using greedy algorithm?

The question is how to trace a Knapsack problem with greedy algorithm using the following information?


I'd appreciate it if some one could help me understand this or point me to the right direction.


  • Well, if it's 'fractional knapsack' (i.e. you can take fractions of the items) then it's easy:

    The items are (as price, weight pairs) [(10, 3), (7, 2), (12, 4), (13, 3), (6, 13), (20, 8)]

    Intuitively, you'll want to get an item first which will provide more price with less weight. So, let's sort the items by their price to weight ratio:

    [(13, 3), (7, 2), (10, 3), (12, 4), (20, 8), (6, 13)]

    Now, until you run out of capacity or an item, take the most valuable item as much as you can.

    0. cap = 15, price = 0
    1. Take (13, 3): cap = 12, price = 13
    2. Take (7, 2): cap = 10, price = 20
    3. Take (10, 3): cap = 7, price = 30
    4. Take (12, 4): cap = 3, price = 42
    5. Take (20, 8): cap = 0, price = 49.5
       [in this step, you have capacity to take 3 units, so take 3 units of the 5th item, the price of which is 3*20/8]

    If you cannot take fractional items, then such a greedy approach may not give you the optimal solution.