if you defined a url mapping as follows:
@URLMapping(id = "myPage", pattern = "/myPage", viewId = "/faces/pages/myPage.xhtml")
if you tried to enter the url as:
this will work fine, but if you changed the case to:
or http:localhost:8080/MYPAGE
it won't work, it won't find the page, so is there's a way to ignore the case in the pattern, or such thing is not supported in PrettyFaces yet, if not supported, then please suggest a workaround.
Something like this is currently not directly supported with PrettyFaces. But you could achieve something like this with a simple workaround:
Change your mapping to a completely lowercase URL:
@URLMapping(id = "myPage", pattern = "/mypage", viewId = "/faces/pages/myPage.xhtml")
And then add a rewrite rule that performs the lowercase transformation:
<rewrite match="(?i)/mypage" toCase="lowercase" redirect="chain" />
I think this should work fine. You could also try to build a more general pattern so that you don't have to repeat the rewrite rule for every mapping.