I need to query an object called trans__c which has the following fields
scantime__c // datetime
asset__c // external id
I need to get only data which has status as pending and if there are any repeating asset then I need to get only record with scantime as the latest.
For e.g.
If there are 3 records
asset name scantime Status
1 Rec 1 17-dec-2011 13:10 Pending
1 Rec2 17-dec-2011 13:50 Pending
2 Rec3 17-dec-2011 13:10 Pending
The output of the query should be
1 Rec2 17-dec-2011 13:50 Pending
2 Rec3 17-dec-2011 13:10 Pending
Group By is only really for use with aggregate queries, which is a bit of a pain when it comes to the other fields that you don't want to aggregate.
This may not be the correct approach, but I'd grab all of the 'Pending' records then do the logic in code (assuming you're not masses of results):
map<integer, Trans__c> mapAssetToRecord = new map<integer, Trans__c>();
for(Trans__c [] sTransArr : [select Id, Name, Asset__c, Scan_Time__c, Status__c
from Trans__c
where Status__c = 'Pending'])
for(Trans__c sTrains : sTransArr)
if(mapAssetToRecord.get(sTrans.Asset__c) == null)
mapAssetToRecord.put(sTrans.Asset__c, sTrans);
else if(sTrans.Scan_Time__c > mapAssetToRecord.get(sTrans.Asset__c).Scan_Time__c)
mapAssetToRecord.put(sTrans.Asset__c, sTrans);
// now mapAssetToRecord includes all of the records you want
There may be a more elegant solution involving some clever SOQL, but it escapes me right now (after all, it is Sunday morning and I've only just had breakfast!).