We need to develop guidelines for writing comments when we register code in version control system (such as TFS).
E.g., when we submit a bugfix, we create a comment "Fixed bug #..."
We tried to brainstorm on this topic, but most of the ideas bring too little added value.
I would appreciate any suggestions for this.
Generally the comments we do where I work are a quick overview of the changes that were made. Something short and simple.
It may not seem to add much value initially, but can be very helpful when going back through history trying to find when something changed (much more so than just "bug #####"). There have been a few times when I needed to go back in the source control history to try and find when a particular behavior or piece of code changed, and the quick overviews can make it much easier to track down where that might be. If you just give a bug number then you have to do more work to find that basic information (pull up bug tracker and find the bug).