I am trying to add some data received from a form to an XML file which already exists. I am using DOMDocument in PHP for adding the data to the file...
While I am somewhat successful in adding the data, it is adding into the wrong element.
Now I know there is only gonna be one element with a certain name, which will be the root element. I also know that there is gonna be only one element with a name which will contain other data.
Those elements don't have an ID and I want to read them by getElementsByTagName
in PHP using DOMDocument.
So if i know that there is gonna be only one element with that name in the whole file, then can i do something like this:
$element = $dom->getElementByTagName('ElementName'); $element[0];
I mean can I select only the first element in the array? And how should I do it? Because the code above doesn't work.
TagName refers to the name of the html or xml tag. If there is only one you should be able to do something like this:
$element = $dom->getElementByTagName('ElementName')->item(0);
However it sounds like what you are really looking for can be done with xpath:
$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
$elements = $xpath->query("//*[@name='ElementName']");
foreach ($elements as $node)
$element[] = $node;
Now $element[0] should be the element you are looking for.