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Post processing in ffmpeg to move 'moov atom' in MP4 files (qt-faststart)

Is it possible to run ffmpeg from the command line which will either place the 'moov atom' metadata in the beginning of the MP4 file or run the qt-faststart as a post processing operation in ffmpeg so the generated file is stream-able through the internet?

I can of course run it as a separate command, but would prefer it to be something

  • as an option within ffmpeg, or
  • as part of a post conversion, command line option when converting the video files via ffmpeg

Edit 1

MOV / MP4 muxer

The muxer options are:

‘-moov_size bytes’

Reserves space for the moov atom at the beginning of the file instead of 
placing the moov atom at the end. If the space reserved is insufficient, 
muxing will fail.


  • Ended up setting up and running qt-faststart after ffmpeg conversion process.