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Do we really need VOLATILE keyword in C#?

Here is the code that I was trying on my workstation.

class Program
    public static volatile bool status = true;

    public static void Main()
        Thread FirstStart = new Thread(threadrun);


        Thread thirdstart = new Thread(threadrun2);



    static void threadrun()
        while (status)

    static void threadrun2()
        status = false;
        Console.WriteLine("the bool value is now made FALSE");

As you can see I have fired three threads in Main. Then using breakpoints I tracked the threads. My initial conception was all the three threads will be fired simultaneously, but my breakpoint flow showed that the thread-execution-flow followed one after other (and so was the output format i.e. Top to bottom execution of threads). Guys why is that happening ?

Additionally I tried to run the same program without using the volatile keyword in declaration, and I found no change in program execution. I doubt the volatile keyword is of no practical live use. Am I going wrong somewhere?


  • Ok I will try to explain a very long story as short as possible:

    Number 1: Trying to inspect the behavior of threads with the debugger is as useful as repeatedly running a multithreaded program and concluding that it works fine because out of 100 tests none failed: WRONG! Threads behave in a completely nondeterministic (some would say random) way and you need different methods to make sure such a program will run correctly.

    Number 2: The use of volatile will become clear once you remove it and then run your program in Debug mode and then switch to Release mode. I think you will have a surprise... What happens in Release mode is that the compiler will optimize code (this includes reordering instructions and caching of values). Now, if your two threads run on different processor cores, then the core executing the thread that is checking for the value of status will cache its value instead of repeatedly checking for it. The other thread will set it but the first one will never see the change: deadlock! volatile prevents this kind of situation from occurring.

    In a sense, volatile is a guard in case the code does not actually (and most likely will not) run as you think it will in a multithreaded scenario.