I am developing a NPAPI plugin using firebreath. I am using a third party dll to integrate to a gaming device.The inputs on the devices are propagated to the plugin through a message only window(HWND) registered while opening a channel to the device.
Initially, handshake with the device driver, handshake(HWND,...) and after which on user input, a callback is made on CustomWinProc() to notify.
I did the following,
-Created an Header&CPP file under the WIN-CustomCallbackHandler.h ,
#include "Win\PluginWindowWin.h"
#include "Win\WindowContextWin.h"
class CustomCallbackHandler : public FB::PluginWindowWin
CustomCallbackHandler (const FB::WindowContextWin& ctx);
virtual bool CustomWinProc(HWND hWnd,UINT uMsg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM
lParamm,LRESULT & lRes);
#include "CustomCallbackHandler.h"
#include "PluginWindowForwardDecl.h"
#include "Win\WindowContextWin.h"
#include "Win\PluginWindowWin.h"
CustomCallbackHandler::CustomCallbackHandler(const FB::WindowContextWin& ctx) :
bool CustomCallbackHandler::CustomWinProc(HWND hWnd,UINT uMsg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM
lParamm,LRESULT & lRes){
//if WPARAM is something some operation has to be performed.
return false;
-Factory.cpp - Added the following method to override the PluginWindowWin
FB::PluginWindowWin* createPluginWindowWin(const FB::WindowContextWin& ctx)
return new CustomCallbackHandler(ctx);
-MyFirstPluginAPI.cpp-(The auto generated JSAPIAuto subclass)- JS method.
bool MyFirstPluginAPI::handshake(FB::JSObjectPtr &callback)
FB::WinMessageWindow window;
Now,When I debug I could see the customcallbackhandler being invoked a couple of times for the regular plugin events but the events generated by the devices are not available.I believe a different instance of message window is passed on to the dll.
-How do I get the handle of the PluginWindowWin?
-Once I receive a callback on the CustomCallbackHandler,How do I generate a custom sendEvent()?
Your help is highly appreciated.
I am a Java developer and don't have much experience in C++ programming. I believe I am missing something fundamental.
What you want is to use WinMessageWindow:
You don't want to use PluginWindowWin; that's too specific for other things. WinMessageWindow was created specifically to do the types of things you are trying to do, and it allows you to make a winproc handler on the containing class.
I recently posted an example of using WinMessageWindow in order to receive WM_DEVICENOTIFY messages; I'm sure you can use it as an example of how the class works to get you started.