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Using the Python GData API, cannot get editable video entry

I am having trouble getting a video entry which includes a link rel="edit". I need such an entry in order to be able to call DeleteVideoEntry(...) on it.

I am retrieving the video using GetYouTubeVideoEntry(youtube_id=XXXXXXX). My yt_service is initialized with a username, password, and a developer key. I use ProgrammaticLogin. This part seems to work fine. I use the same yt_service to upload said video earlier. Also, if I change the developer key to something bogus (during debugging) and try to authenticate, I get a 403 error. This leads me to believe that authentication works OK.

Needsless to say, the video entry retrieved with GetYouTubeVideoEntry(youtube_id=XXXXXXX) does not contain the edit link and I cannot use the entry in a DeleteVideoEntry(...) call.

Is there some special way to get a video entry which will contain a link element with a rel="edit"? Can anyone suggest some way to resolve my issue? Could this possibly be a bug?


For the records, when I tried getting the feed of all my uploads, and then looping through the video entries, the video entries do have an edit link. So using this works:

uri = '' % username
feed = yt_service.GetYouTubeVideoFeed(uri)
for entry in feed.entry:

But this does not:

entry = yt_service.GetYouTubeVideoEntry(video_id = video.youtube_id)

Using the same yt_service.


  • I've just deleted youtube video using gdata and ProgrammaticLogin()

    Here is some steps to reproduce:

    yt_service =
    yt_service.developer_key = 'developer_key' = 'email'
    yt_service.password = 'password'
    # video_id should looks like 'iu6Gq-tUsTc'
    uri = '' % (username, video_id)  
    entry = yt_service.GetYouTubeUserEntry(uri=uri)
    response = yt_service.DeleteVideoEntry(entry)
    print response  # True

    yt_service.GetYouTubeVideoFeed(uri) works because GetYouTubeVideoFeed doesn't check uri and just calls self.Get(uri, ...) but originaly, I think, it expected '' uri.

    vice versa yt_service.GetYouTubeVideoEntry() use YOUTUBE_VIDEO_URI = '' but this entry doesn't contains rel="edit"

    Hope that helps you out